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The Rainbow Moon.

The rainbow moon glitters for me

The rainbow moon glistens in the waters between me and all I could be


She glows

Only half baked

almost there

She glows!


The rainbow moon reminds me to be proud


Midnight blue washed pink with laughter

A yellow tinge, forever after?


The rainbow moon glows on a lonely Sunday night

And reminds me of  power

of strength

of personality

of Might.


The rainbow moon laughs at me and tells me to let it go

To exhale

To unclench

To stop expecting

And to stop breaking my own heart

With the heavy hammer of your phantom hand


The rainbow moon reminds me that it is okay to feel

As long as you take the feeling

And do something with it



The rainbow moon tells me not to take it all so seriously

To play the piano with my words

To dance across the screen

To let my emotions spill in song

And let my heart break in rhythmic beats.


The rainbow moon allows me to be.  

As dorky as that may be.


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